Depression Hacks


I have suffered from depression and anxiety my entire life. I remember being suicidal in kindergarten. Support from friends and loved ones is key. Please remember to be gentle with yourself as you are doing the best you can, no matter what that looks like. I hope these hacks, including some from a friend, help you through.*

GET RID OF STRESSORS If it’s causing you stress, if it’s overwhelming you, if it’s triggering you. Get rid of it. Don’t worry about regretting it in the future, the future doesn’t exist, so you don’t know what you’re going to be feeling.

KEEP TRAVEL SIZE ITEMS IN NIGHTSTAND Keep personal care items close to your bed so you don’t have to exert much effort. Ex: Face cleansing wipes, mouthwash, lotion, deodorant, dry shampoo, etc.

FOOD DELIVERY if an option, get take-out/groceries delivered or ask a friend to drop off some food. No need to feel guilty because you are doing your best while trying to get better. Plus no dishes.

SMALL MEALS/ SNACKS: Eat small frequent meals or snacks to limit anxiety which also cuts down dishes. Boiled eggs are a great meal replacement especially if prepared in advance at the beginning of an episode.

REDUCE ALL CHORES Easy examples: Socks? Buy all the same socks. You never have to match socks again. Instead of having some over elaborate organization system for shit, have buckets/boxes/baskets.

SET A SIMPLE DAILY GOAL. “Today I will shower”. Make it flexible, no need to set a specific time. Set yourself up for success. Take it a step at a time.

FLIP FLOPS: Wear them in the dirty shower that you don't have the energy nor desire to clean.

DISPOSABLE DISHES: Use them or limit use of dishes to avoid being overwhelmed with a sink full. Use 1 dish and 1 cup and rinse or wash after every use. Or fill the sink up with soapy water and at least the dishes are soaking while being unwashed.

LIMIT LAUNDRY: Try to keep clothes clean for as long as possible. Get dressed right before leaving and get undressed as soon as you return home to decrease wear time.

FEBREZE and/or putting clothes in the dryer with dryer sheets helps deter the need to do laundry.

MODIFIED CLOTHING Upgrade your house clothes/pajamas to things you wouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen wearing in public, then when you have to run an errand, you won’t have the whole “getting ready seems like too much work, I just won’t go”. If feasible have a low maintenance hairstyle.

SET AN ACCEPTABLE STANDARD OF MESSY Ex: clutter but not filthy so your disorganization isn’t triggering. Focus on what attracts bugs and/or has an odor.

GO OUTSIDE DAILY even just to your porch, or car, even if just for 30 seconds. That 30 seconds will be enough to help you remember leaving bed is something you can do. Plus, sunshine does help with depression.

List composed by Asiatu Lawoyin and Natalie Michelle